Tuesday 1 December 2015

Drinking Can Increase Women’s Cancer Risks

It’s well known that bad lifestyle habits can increase a person’s cancer risks. For women, as it turns out, even tempering one particular habit a little may not help entirely. Researchers out of Boston have found, in fact, that women who are light to moderate drinkers may see their cancer risks rise. While the increase in risk is only slight, it’s a piece of the puzzle those who are searching for ways to lower risks may want to pay attention to.

The study conducted by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health involved more than 88,000 women and some 47,000 men. The research ultimately showed that women who drink even on a light basis can see their risk of cancer rise slightly. The estimated increase in risk was about 1.02 percent above non-drinkers for light consumers. It was about 1.04 percent higher in moderate drinkers. To be sure, men also saw their risks rise with alcohol consumption.

While the increase for both men and women was only slight, the link between alcohol and certain forms of cancers is an important one to note. Women – and men – who want to decrease their risks may find altering certain lifestyle habits can make a difference. Even cutting out alcohol can help push the number in a more positive direction.

People who want to take other steps to reduce cancer risks may find these measures helpful:

·         Lose weight – If weight is a concern, shedding pounds can help reduce the risks of certain forms of cancer while also improving overall health.
·         Eating healthy – A diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits and other healthy choices can help improve overall health while reducing risks for certain types of cancer.

Anyone who is concerned about cancer is urged to discuss the issue with their healthcare providers. Doctors can assist in assessing overall risk and may make further recommendations on how to address risk factors that individuals may have control over.

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