Monday, 8 December 2014

Talking to Your Doctor About Your Risk Factors

Cancer screenings are something that should be a part of our lives on a regular basis, but especially so if we are at higher risk for developing certain types of cancer. This is important information for our doctors to have so that decisions can be made regarding earlier or more regular screenings. For instance, while the age for a baseline mammogram is forty, with yearly mammograms to follow, a mammogram or breast ultrasound (often used for women who have dense breast tissue) may be ordered at an earlier age if there is evidence of certain risk factors.

This is where communication is so important, as well as having a solid relationship with a doctor you can trust. Keep these factors in mind when discussing your risk factors with your medical team:

•    You don’t need to impress anyone. In some cases, patients may not disclose a smoking habit, may exaggerate healthy eating habits, or downplay recreational drug use or alcohol consumption. Your doctor needs to know all the facts that contribute to (or detract from) your health. Don’t spare the details. This should be a relationship where you always feel comfortable being completely honest. If not, then you need to find another doctor with whom you do have that comfort level.

•    Write down your family history. When it comes to cancer risk, it’s important to know your family history. Talk to family members to gather as much information as possible so that you can give your doctors everything they need to manage your healthcare appropriately.

•    Discuss any symptoms or concerns. With a solid, honest working relationship in place with your doctor it’s important to be able express any concerns you may have about your health and changes that you may have noticed. Speak up and speak often. In so doing, you are standing up for your health.

Click here to know about the physicians who will help in clearing all your doubts and fears about cancer.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Relaxation is Important during Cancer Treatments

Undergoing chemotherapy and other forms of cancer treatment can be quite stressful. Maintaining a positive outlook while taking care of yourself, however, are important for the successful outcome of any therapy.

So, how can you relax while your world is so uncertain? Here are a few tips that can help you reduce stress during cancer treatments while also helping you take better care of yourself in the process:

•    Get educated – Uncertainty is one of the worst issues related to cancer and cancer treatment. While no one can help you ensure a picture perfect outcome, you can put your mind at ease on many fronts. Be sure to educate yourself about the form of cancer you have and make sure you understand all the treatments being offered, their potential side effects, and their likelihood of success. The more you understand, the less you will find yourself worrying needlessly. If you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask your doctor or his or her staff. They are there to help.

•    Get nourished – Proper diet during cancer treatments is important for helping you maintain the best possible overall health. Plus, a good diet can assist you greatly in maintaining the energy you’ll need to battle the disease. Consider smaller, more frequent meals and be sure to strike a good healthy balance. Proper hydration is also quite important, especially during chemotherapy treatments.

•    Use alternative treatments for stress relief – Alternative therapies can be very helpful in battling the stress that can go along with cancer treatments. Consider such things as exercise, massage therapy, aromatherapy, and even acupuncture to help ease symptoms. These therapies can also help with the nausea that so commonly goes along with cancer treatments while also promoting better sleep.

•    Battle fatigue by getting plenty of rest – This doesn’t mean curling up in a ball and sleeping all the time, but it does mean getting a proper night’s sleep on a regular basis. If this is tough at first, be sure to consider such things as meditation and exercise to promote restful sleep even in the face of cancer treatment.

Getting through cancer treatments can be tough, but it can be done. Keep a positive attitude and keep an open line of communication with your doctor to help out.

Find out more ways of taking care of yourself by clicking here.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Comfort Counts in Cancer Treatment Facilities

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with cancer you know that you are dealing with more than a physical crisis; you’re dealing with emotions that change on a daily basis and can be very difficult to manage. When it comes to cancer, dealing with your head is just as important as dealing with your body. You need to make sure that you are in the best head space to deal most effectively with your cancer.

In many cases, this peace of mind - or as much as you can have when you are dealing with a cancer diagnosis - begins with the treatment facility that you have chosen. Not only are they charged with delivering you with the best physical care they can, they are also called upon to support you as a person and that means providing a comfortable place to receive your treatments.

So when you’re deciding on a treatment facility - in addition to researching the doctors associated with such a facility - it’s important to vet the facility itself. Keep these important things in mind:

•    You want a facility where you will have your testing done, see your doctors, and undergo treatment all in one place. Having cancer means spending a lot of time with your doctors and medical team. So it’s important to find a place where you can be most comfortable and can conveniently have access to all the resources you need.

•    If you will be undergoing chemotherapy, be sure that your treatment facility has a comfortable and relaxing infusion room. This is, unfortunately, a place where you will be spending a good deal of time and you want it to be a place where you can relax and be at peace.

•    Your team is very important so choose wisely. In addition to your doctor, you must be sure that the team that surrounds you in the treatment facility is top-notch. These are the people who will provide you with care during your treatment so it’s important that they are friendly, warm, and responsive to your needs.

Cancer is by no means a comfortable diagnosis but that doesn’t mean you can’t be comfortable undergoing treatment for cancer. Connect with what’s important to you during your treatment journey and don’t settle for anything less.  Any queries please visit

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Can Prostate Seed Therapy Help In My Case?

Men who have received a positive diagnosis of prostate cancer tend to deal with a lot of negative emotions and thoughts shortly thereafter. This is perfectly normal and considering the worst-case implications of this form of cancer, it’s also natural to be quite concerned. It’s important, however, to understand that prostate cancer is quite often highly treatable. Thanks to breakthrough methods in treatment, it’s also possible to beat the disease without necessarily facing down long-term complications as a result.

One treatment that has made a huge difference in the outcomes experienced by prostate cancer patients is called prostate seed therapy. This form of treatment may or may not require the removal of the prostate. In most cases, it won’t. That means fears about potential incontinence or erectile dysfunction can be greatly reduced without cutting corners when it comes to fighting the cancer.

Prostate seed therapy involves implanting tiny radioactive pellets directly into the prostate itself. These seeds emit highly targeted radiation, which kills off the cancer cells while men go about their normal routines. The therapy is generally performed on an outpatient basis, which means men can go home shortly after the implants are placed. After a day or two, most patients go about their normal routines while the pellets do their jobs fighting the cancer.
Seed therapy has been used for nearly two decades with incredibly positive results. While it might also be used in conjunction with other forms of therapy, it has proven itself very successful in treating prostate cancer. While there’s no guarantee that some complications won’t arise, the likelihood is reduced when this therapy is used.

Is it Right?

Men who are interested in learning more about prostate seed therapy treatments are encouraged to discuss the option with their oncologist. It’s best to work directly with the doctor managing the case to review all the options and choose the best course of action. Ideally, the best plan is the one that provides the greatest likelihood for a positive outcome with the lowest possible chance for long-term complications. Any queries please visit

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Embracing Technology For Cancer Care

Cancer treatment comes with its very own set of language - including terminology associated with the extensive technology used to detect, diagnose, and treat cancer. It’s difficult enough to receive a diagnosis for cancer; it’s even more challenging to have that diagnosis include a variety of technology and terminology that seems almost impossible to understand.

This particular challenge is something that every cancer patient has to deal with and the sooner you can make friends with the technology that is going to be a part of your life - at least during this particular time - the sooner you will begin to feel more comfortable with your treatment plan. Yes, this can feel like learning shorthand in record time; but it’s important to get educated so that you can make the decisions necessary for your health.

Here’s how to get educated:

·         There’s no greater resource for information than your doctors and medical team. There is no underestimating the need to ask questions. Keep a list of questions that you would like answered and call upon loved ones to help you think of questions that you may not have considered.

·    Get online. There are fantastic online resources that will allow you to learn more about the technology and treatments that will be used to manage your care. Gather as much information as you can and enlist the help of your friends and family to help organize the information you gather.

Go to a support group. When you’re in a difficult time in your life, there’s often nothing more helpful than being around people who are going through the same thing. Cancer support groups exist around the country and provide a safe place to share your stories, gain support, and pick the brains of those who have been where you are and can offer unique insight.

Various Cancer Treatments Are Available At North Texas

The best treatment for cancer is provided in North Texas, which involved latest advanced technologies to beat the terrible disease. Here, you will find the team of an experienced doctor providing the best and contemporary treatments for cancer.

Cancer treatment centers of North Texas offer various options for cancer treatment:

Radiation Therapy: IGRT is a technique of radiating gamma rays, x-rays, protons or electrons. It helps in beating cancer cells via high-energy particles. IMRT is therapy in which high beams of radiation are thrown to location of tumor exactly by three patterns of angles.
Chemotherapy: In this technique drugs are used for treatment of cancers. Chemo drugs can be given once or at a combine. It is an important and major cancer treatment for removal of spread tumors, which couldn’t be removed surgically. Chemo drugs used collectively for best result are known as chemotherapy.

Surgery: It is an old and widely used treatment. Surgery technique is used in curing cancer until it is not spread in different parts of the body.

Positron emission tomography: PET (Positron emission tomography) is used when no specific location of cancer is known.

Prostate Seed Implantation: It is a low risk treatment and a mixture of surgery and beam radiation that helps in prostrating cancer.

Mammosite Therapy: It is the treatment used at starting phase of breast cancer as it helps in lowering the occurrence of breast cancer again.

Pain Is Momentary; Quitting Lasts Perpetually In Cancer, So Never Fear!!

Cancer is a very terrible experience for a person going through it. It can happen to anybody irrespective of the person’s age, gender or race.  Depending on which part it occurs, gets its name accordingly, like breast cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, stomach cancer and so on. Recently people are becoming more and more aware regarding cancer causes and treatments. North Texas is a place where you can find exclusive and best treatment of cancer.

Some of the cancer treatment centers at North Texas have the best and selected doctors from all over the world. These Doctors provide the best treatments as per your condition and preference. They develop a strategic treatment plan according to the stage of cancer.  Some of the treatments that are done by renowned hospitals are below mentioned:

Mammosite Therapy: helpful for patients suffering from breast cancer at the initial stage. It is a very easy and quick procedure that gets completed in five days.

Chemotherapy: in this technique, drugs are injected in the body, to kill cancerous cells. It is the most famous and successful cure of cancer.

Prostate Seed Implants: tiny seeds are installed neat tumor and these seeds radiate energy to the cancerous cells.

Radiation: tiny radiation beams are projected to the target location in 3-D pattern.

All techniques are able to cure the cancer, but they also have side effects. Patient can experience some sort of hormonal changes. It is quite difficult for him to tolerate the intensive treatment, but once he suffers all these troubles, it is sure that he can eradicate cancer from his life. So, it is always better experience pain for some time to get the life back.